A weird peace came over me this week as I found out that I once again was allergic to almost everything. I have been battling with weight gain, allergic reactions and just not feeling well.
He brought me to this amazing doctor who took the time to investigate what could be happening in my body and really wanted to help me figure out how to feel good.
It was not that the other doctors didn't try, it just came up showing nothing.
I have been telling people that maybe God didn't really heal me of my allergies before and they just manifested themselves in different ways I didn't notice, but I don't think that is accurate now. I DO think that the Lord healed me of my food allergies for a time, but for a different reason. I think He wanted to show me how to treat my body well, how to eat healthy and how to teach my body to crave the right things. I had spent years pushing bad food down my body only to throw it up again and again. I never wanted anything healthy unless I was going to have to be forced to keep it down.
Now, my body craves healthy. Not my mind, but my body. I have had an unhealthy relationship with food for so long that this was a breath of fresh air.
God is so faithful to take us through tough situations and truly heal us.
Has God healed you in a way that was unexpected?