Our Shepherd
September 28.2011
Today is a day I have to choose to make it a good day. From the moment I woke up this morning, the day seemed impossible. I have been exhausted lately and I seem to have forgotten how bad the exhaustion can really get. It seems to happen when the sun stops appearing so much and the days get shorter. I am trying to be better this year and take tbe vitamins I need so that it can help give my body a boost, but that still doesn't seem to be working. I think this is all still partly due to the many years of damage I did to my body. God was so good to remind me that I just need to be patient with my body and let it heal in God's time. On top of being exhausted, I got frustrated with where my body is at and that I can't seem to lose weight. I have actually been really good about this lately being able to let it roll off of my back, but today I struggled.
As I was in my car, in a daze driving to work, I noticed the fog. The fog is beautiful in itself, but there is the appearance of the fog that feels cool and crisp. It reminds me of those cool, crisp fall days where leaves are on the ground and people are wearing their pea coats drinking hot chocolate or cider. THAT is a beautiful picture to me, however, that is not what the fog represents to me. When I see the fog, I feel that cold, crispness in a negative way. It reminds me of all of those negative things in my life. Although there were so many positives in those "fall/winter" times, my mind and my heart only go to the negative. This morning I experienced that coldness that I really don't like to go back to.
BUT...God is good. He knew before I did that today might be tough. He prepped me this morning by putting a verse in my head that He knew I would need to cling on to. It is the good old Psalm 23.
Psalm 23:1-3
The difference of today was that He is restoring my soul. In the past, a day like today would have been ruined before I even got out of the house. I would have been plagued all day long by the thoughts of my body and how frustrated I am or the bad feelings I have from the past. BUT, today I chose to not be that way. I chose to embrace the verse God gave me and to give all of my burdens to God (specifically my lack of energy and the plaguing thoughts about my body). He can have those. They do no good when I carry them and try to fix them. I love that while God carries my burdens, He allows me to rest...to rest in Him and the truth of who He is. This is the picture of rest He gave me this morning as I contemplated this verse.
Today IS going to be a good day. I am going to choose to make it a good day and allow God to carry my troubles. What about you? Are you giving God your burdens today so that you can rest in Him?