Saturday, October 27, 2012

Fear #1


Earlier today I had a lot of fear. Fear about getting into a relationship and having the dreaded fight...or even worse, the dreaded talk about breaking up or that he doesn't know if he wants to be with me anymore. To be quite honest, I hate being alone and single, but it scares me even more to think about being rejected. 

Why is this so hard? Unfortunately, if I really laid out my life and my fears, I have a lot of them. And the more vulnerable I get, the more fears I tend to have.

Today I read a blog of a woman I know. I am amazed at her strength and courage, but mostly her dedication to the Lord. Her blog is here.

I was convicted. My fears are not even legit fears. This gal has a lot on her plate AND she is serving the Lord. Yes, she is honest, but it is beautiful. I love how she pressed into what her fears would be and didn't let it stop her from living life. I need to learn to live more like Christina. 

What fears do you need to push through in order to live life?