Tuesday, May 29, 2012


This week was a tough one. I had had a great week the previous week and was completely at peace and then something happened. I am not sure what, but it was a downward spiral from there. By yesterday I was exhausted emotionally, physically and spiritually. I knew I needed to get away. For me, that place is the beach. 

As I was driving to the beach yesterday, I was thinking about the week and wondering what happened and how it happened. The picture of a mosquito popped into my head. It was as if I got a little mosquito bite sometime in the beginning of the week and I continued to itch at it and make it worse and before I knew it, it was infected and needed some medical intervention to help heal it. It is amazing how such a small creature/insect can cause such a big "bump". Think about it, when you get a mosquito bite, it usually turns into a big, red, itchy bump. While that is quite a graphic picture, I believe it is exactly what happened last week. 

I let one comment get at me and I couldn't shake it...all week. I didn't apply the "healing balm" right away, but instead seemed to ignore it and go on with my busy week. That ended in disaster. Since that is in the past, how can I change something like what happened in the future? 

1. IMMEDIATELY, give my burdens to God and allow Him to heal the wound. Such a novel concept that if not followed, can be detrimental to my spiritual life. 

2. BOUNDARIES: I am constantly telling people to have boundaries and I didn't follow my own advice this time. Instead, this week, I was busy every single night which often ended in going to bed late, being exhausted and having a hard time waking up on time so that I could get my quality time with God in the morning. I was reflecting on my "boundaries" yesterday and realized that I need more down time and time to just reflect and process. I often hate that I am like that, but I am reminded once again, that if I don't pay attention and protect myself, I am vulnerable. So, for me, I need to make sure to guard my time with the Lord by going to bed on time and saying no to things that are good.

Thankfully, God provided a time where I could just come, sit before the Lord and listen to what He had to say (and He had to say a lot). I know this is not always possible, so I want to "take up the armor" and be better going forth. It is so worth it. 

I heard this song as I was typing this entry and it made my heart dance with joy. This is so true. I feel like my feet are set on solid ground again. 

Do you have any "mosquitos" you need to allow the Lord to use His healing balm on?