Tuesday, July 17, 2012

For the good...

Lately, God has been speaking to me through a specific artist: Shane and Shane. Tonight I was in a funk...really thinking about a situation I am going through and getting rather frustrated, thinking about how deeply wounded I am by my friend and now by my friends and frankly, just getting discouraged. I was reminded in my devotional yesterday about not having self-pity and getting out of the "pit". Although it was encouraging and reminded me not to dwell so much on my present troubles, I think I am hitting the reality of the situation and it is truly crushing me. 

God has been so good to keep me busy and help me to have good things to distract me, but at the end of the day, it is still hard. I find myself questioning what I did wrong in the situation, maybe I am just a horrible friend, etc. There is so much of me that wants to be fleshly and speak the truth so that everyone understands, but I know that is not right. As I was contemplating this tonight, Shane and Shane came on again and it was a song that really spoke to me in my situation. It is called For the good. This is for HIS good...regardless of how I feel...it is all for Him. 

When darkness is surrounding me 
by Your Spirit, Lord help me sing 
that You are working all things out 
Lord, I really need to hear you speak 
Remind me in the waiting 
that You are working all things out 

For the good of those 
who are called by You 
for the good of those 
who are in Love with You 
That's why we sing 

Holy God of light 
I lay down my life 
Holy is the Lord 
Even in the storm be glorified 

We like to take the blessing from You 
Shall we not take the trouble too 
You are working all things out 
We like to take prosperity 
Shall we not take the suffering 
You are working all things out 

Holy are you Lord 
even in the storm 
be glorified 
Worthy of affection

Is there something you need to remember is "For His Good" today?